APPLICATION GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION Name * First Name Last Name Email * Name of company * Name of company Email * Email address Linkedin profile * LinkedIn profile Location * Location Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Years of experience * How many years have you worked in your current field? What is your current role? * What is your current role? What is your current gender identity? * What is your current gender identity? Woman Man Transgender Non-binary Gender-Fluid Other Prefer not to answer Do you identify as Hispanic? * Do you identify as Hispanic? Yes No Do you identify as LGBTQIAP? * Do you identify as LGBTQIAP? Yes No Racial indentity * Please select any and all racial and ethnic categories of which you identify Black or African American White, Anglo or European-American Hispanic/Latinx Asian Native American or Indigenous Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander South Asian Other Prefer not to answer Video introduction * Video Introduction Please include a link to a short 60 second to two minute video OR reel describing you (the founder), your company and why your product/service. This does not have to be a product demonstration rather a quick video about you and the amazing company! This can be done on your phone or laptop and uploaded to YouTube. Company General Information COMPANY GENERAL INFORMATION Company industry * What industry is your company? Retail / Consumer Package Goods (CPG) Cleantech FinTech Artificial Intelligence E-Commerce Healthcare Other (please describe below) Company industry continued If you answered 'other,' please describe here: Company location * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Nb of employees * Number of employees Website * Website http:// Social media handles * Social Media Handles Founder + Team FOUNDER + TEAM Problem to solve * Please describe your company and the problem you are solving Why * Why did your team create this product / service? how founders met How did the founders meet? How long have you been in business * How long have you been in business? Expansion plan * How do you plan to expand your business and/or team? MARKET STRATEGY MARKET STRATEGY Metrics * Please share any metrics you currently have available. Dropdown * Do you have any revenue currently? Yes No Have you had any revenue within the past three years? Have you had any revenue within the past three years? Yes No Have you received funding? If so, please describe. * Have you received funding? If so, please describe. Do you have any debt? * Do you have any debt? Please describe your current marketing/PR strategy * Please describe your current marketing/PR strategy Text If you are interested in raising additional capital, what are these funds needed for? * If you are interested in raising additional capital, what are these funds needed for? THE PROGRAM SECTION THE PROGRAM Please tell us why you are interested in the Wocstar & Ghetto Film School Entrepreneur Academy. * Please tell us why you are interested in the Wocstar & Ghetto Film School Entrepreneur Academy. How did you hear about us? * How did you hear about us? If selected, please describe your desired goals from this program in 3-5 sentences. * If selected, please describe your desired goals from this program in 3-5 sentences. Thank you!